[LCM Articles] Confidential article Article

Mona M Fawaz mfawaz at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 8 02:39:01 EST 2005

i think if people want to make sense and not transform a legitimate claim into
stupid racist slogans, it is better to avoid these messages. you might want to
check the attached article that came out in today's nahar for inspiration. 

mona fawaz. 

Quoting Antoine mazraani <amazraani at creditlibanais.com.lb>:

> One Syrian in the sea makes pollution
> All Syrian in the sea makes solution
>   ----- Original Message -----

>   From: Philippe Saad

>   To: lebanon-articles at mit.edu

>   Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 3:25 PM
>   Subject: [LCM Articles] Confidential article Article
>   Hi everyone, I don't know how much this article is valid, but it is worth
> reading. I tried to search the Irish Times but it needs a subscription.
>   p
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