[LCM Articles] new collection with super funky colors

Philippe Charles Saad psaad at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 3 19:04:30 EDT 2005

dear friends,
 thanks to your encouragments for our season 1 ( white bodies), we had 
enough motivation for creating the season 1 "taken further edition".
the colors are super funky ( check out the attachment), we really had fun 
creating a special design for each posh statement( crowns, circles, 
rectangles...), you will love them for sure!! 
wait till you see the packaging, it is a reusable textile bag, with the 
funkiest flower prints ever!!!
 thanks for passing the email over to your friends,
 nadine & carma.
 p.s: for this collection the price is of 25 usd per body.

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