[LCM Articles] Fwd: [Fwd: We Need The Truth]

Mirna H. Daouk daouk at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 22 09:10:52 EST 2005

> On the 14th of February 2005, former Lebanese Prime Minister Mr. Rafic
> Hariri, his personal bodyguards and passing citizens were the victims of a
> huge terrorist explosion that claimed the life of 15 martyrs including Mr.
> Hariri. Hundreds were injured in the explosion.
> A week after the tragedy, speculations about the criminals behind this
> bloody explosion are widening while the mystery is deepening.
> As an act of loyalty to Mr. Hariri's cause of building a Democratic, Free
> and Independent Lebanon: a country to all its citizens, in solidarity
> against violence and in recognition for Mr. Hariri's achievements for
> Lebanon, we urge you to sign the below petition demanding an international
> investigation to unveil the truth and prevent any further acts of violence
> from taking place.
> http://www.petitiononline.com/TuthABC/petition.html
> Express your solidarity, Sign Now
> Thank you,

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