[LCM Articles] FW: Wanted Civil, Mechanical & Electrical Engineers

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Sun Feb 13 21:16:10 EST 2005


From: Engineering & Architecture Alumni Chapter [mailto:engchaub at cyberia.net.lb] 
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 11:15 AM
Subject: Fw: Wanted Civil, Mechanical & Electrical Engineers



Dear Colleagues,


We are receiving many demands for Civil, Mechanical & Electrical Engineers with 3 to 4 years experience to work in UAE & Saudi
Arabia.The demand exceeds the supply.


If you are not employed or you would like to work in the Arab countries please send me your name, e-mail & telephone number so as to
be contacted from the companies.


Best Regards


Sami Alamudddin


AUB Alumni Engineering & Architecture Chapter

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