[LEAuthors] LEA Vol 15 No 11: LMJ Special - My Favorite Supplement: The Joy of the Gizmo

Nisar Keshvani, LEA keshvani at leoalmanac.org
Mon Jun 30 20:11:14 EDT 2008

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   -     [image: Leonardo Electronic Almanac] <http://leoalmanac.org/>
   2008   v o l 1 5 i s s u e
   Figure 1: Mincer, John Richards,
   *Figure 1: Mincer, John Richards, 2006.*
   Copyright (c) John Richards
     01 e d i t o r's  n o t e Nisar
     02 g u e s t  e d i t o r i a l My Favorite Supplement: The Joy of the
   Gizmo <http://leoalmanac.org/journal/Vol_15/lea_v15_n11_12/guest.asp>   03
   e s s a y s LEA - LMJ 17 Special
     04 g a l l e r y Multimedia
     05 r e s o u r c e s LEA Open Call for
     06 a n n o u n c e m e n t s :: LMJ 17 and CD Table of
   LMJ 18 Forthcoming
      Editor in chief Nisar Keshvani announces the LEA - LMJ - My Favorite
   Supplement: The Joy of the Gizmo
   <http://leoalmanac.org/journal/Vol_15/lea_v15_n11_12/toc.asp>. In this
   installment, a sensational combo of words, sound and image arrive to
   celebrate gizmos of all makes and kinds (supplementing the last issue of
   Leonardo Music Journal).
    This collection of essays features J. Anthony Allen (on virtuosity and
   longevity in electronic instrument design), J.R. Ferguson and Paul Bell (on
   the role of ambiguity in musical creativity), Jason Freeman (on *Glimmer*,
   a composition for chamber orchestra and audience participation), Simon Katan
   (on his use of "junk" instruments), Han-earl Park (on his work with the
   interactive, semi-autonomous, non-human musician "io"), Martin Parker (on
   his adaptation of an inexpensive gaming interface to a sound-making tool),
   John R. Richards (on the appropriation of found objects and do-it-yourself
   [DIY] electronics in creation of "the Mincer"), Paul Stapleton (on a new
   series of musical instruments and his approach to the instrument-performer
   relation in improv) and Mario van Horrick (on his fascination for acoustic
   feedback) .

    For your listening pleasure, check out audio works by Han-earl Park and
   Mario van Horrik. Also in this issue, LEA presents an index of our 2007
   authors plus a run-down of the contents of LMJ17 (My Favorite Things: The
   Joy of the Gizmo).

   Happy reading, listening and viewing!
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