[LEAuthors] Leonardo Electronic Almanac hits a cool 10 grand on first weekend: Vol 14 Issue 05 September 2006

Nisar Keshvani, LEA keshvani at leoalmanac.org
Thu Sep 28 11:29:16 EDT 2006

If unable to view, please visit:

    [image: Leonardo Electronic Almanac] <http://leoalmanac.org/>     Sept   v
o l *14* i s s u e 05      [image: Lens: The Practice and Poetics of Writing
in Immersive VR Copyright (c) John Cayley] <http://leoalmanac.org/index.asp>
Lens: The Practice and Poetics of Writing in Immersive VR Copyright (c) John
  01 e d i t o r's  n o t e Nisar
  02 g u e s t  e d i t o r i a l Tim Peterson on New Media Poetry and
Poetics <http://leoalmanac.org/journal/vol_14/lea_v14_n05-06/tpeterson.asp>
  03 e s s a y s New Media Poetics and Poetry
<http://leoalmanac.org/journal/Vol_14/lea_v14_n05-06/essays.asp>   04 g a l
l e r y Waxing Lyrical with New Media Poetics and Poetry
<http://leoalmanac.org/gallery/newmediap/index.htm>   05 r e s o u r c e s Sign
up for the Leonardo Electronic Almanac NMP
list<leanmp-subscribe at googlegroups.com>
  06 a n n o u n c e m e n t s Watch this space for details on LEA's live
forum with authors

A cool 10 grand. That's the number of visitors that electronically streamed
through this e-journal during its virgin weekend. This was revealed by an
ecstatic LEA editor-in-chief, Nisar Keshvani, who also shares the accolades
that have been pouring in from readers. He adds, 750 man-hours have gone
into producing the "New Media Poetics and
Special guest-edited by Tim Peterson. Of the 70 submissions, nine crisp
essays and four artist statements feature in Vol 14 No 5 – 6.

The peer-reviewed electronic journal introduces downloadable PDFs of its
essays with MLA and APA style citations and launches LEAD: Leonardo
Electronic Almanac Discussion. LEAD will engage readers in an online
moderated discussion list and real-time live chats with New Media Poetics

Let's now, leap into yet another bold foray, this time revolving around the
world of new media poetics. Bursting at the cyber-seams, a spiffy collection
of essays by myriad authors await.

"In the new media environment, we deal with an expanded notion of "poem" as
praxis of surface level and sub-textual computer code levels, and an
expanded awareness of the digital poem as process. The reading and reception
of this writing occurs in a networked context, in which the reader becomes
an "ergodic" participant (to use Espen Aarseth's term) and helps shape the
form of the new media poem," defines New Media Poetics and Poetry issue
guest editor Tim Peterson.

Peterson has woven together a marvelous mix featuring Loss Pequeño Glazier,
John Cayley with Dimitri Lemmerman, Lori Emerson, Phillippe Bootz, Manuel
Portela, Stephanie Strickland, Mez, Maria Engberg and Matthias Hillner.
Don't forget to scurry over to the equally exciting
exhibiting works by Jason Nelson, Aya Karpinska, Daniel Canazon Howe, mIEKAL
aND, CamillE BacoS, Nadine Hilbert and Gast Bouschet.  For the first time
also, be mesmerized by Mathias Hillner and Manuel Portela's shockwave
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