[LEAuthors] LEA Special cfp: Wild Nature and the Digital Life

nisar keshvani nisar at keshvani.com
Fri Mar 18 06:52:03 EST 2005

LEA Special Issue: Wild Nature and the Digital Life

* Worldwide Call for Submissions *

Guest Editors: Sue Thomas and Dene Grigar
digitalwild at astn.net

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISSN No: 1071-4391) is inviting 
papers [and artworks] themed around Wild Nature and the Digital 

Wild nature has traditionally been perceived as the preserve of 
the physical world and may seem to have little to do with the 
abstract spaces of the digital. But what can be described as “wild 
nature” at a time when much of the earth’s land is being annexed 
by cities, brought into production, and turned into tourist meccas 
or eco-excursions?  How are humans reinventing “the wild” 
digitally?   What is the relationship between humans and wild 
nature, and has it changed with the advent of the computer 
technology? Is the notion of wild nature limited to the physical 
world, and if not, then where else can we find it? How do those 
who are most immersed in the digital integrate it with the 

While a critical response to these questions is highly encouraged, 
we are equally interested in the wide-angle view and in the 
intimate. Specifically, we welcome essays, interviews, reports and 
other genres of writing that speak to the ways in which we 
reconcile and integrate the relationship between wild nature and 
the digital life; that address the part that wild nature plays in 
our work; looks at the ways the functionality of our body in the 
digital compares with the way it works in the mountains, in the 
ocean, or other physical spaces; and explores the changes that the 
wired life has brought about to our domestic and professional 
habitat, how it may have changed our health, or shifted our 
understanding of ecosystems and of other species on this planet 
and elsewhere.

Topics of interest might include (but are not limited to):
- Projects combining art and natural history
- Art and nature collaborations
- Telematics and consciousness
- Historical context
- Connectedness studies
- Embodiment theory
- Emergence studies
- Anthropology and social networks
- Ecology and the environment
- Natural magic and spirituality

The twin conceptual territories of bits and atoms are closer than 
they may at first seem. This call invites papers and works that 
explore ways in which the wired sensibility has led us full circle 
towards an enhanced engagement with wild nature.

LEA encourages international artists / academics / researchers / 
students / practitioners / theorists to submit their proposals for 
consideration. We particularly encourage authors outside North 
America and Europe to send proposals for essays / artists 

As part of this special, LEA is looking to publish:

- Critical Essays
- Artist Statement/works in the LEA Gallery
- Bibliographies (a peer reviewed bibliography with key 
texts/references in Digital Life)
- Academic Curriculum (LEA encourages academics conducting course 
programmes in this area to contact us)

Expressions of interest and outline should include:

- A brief description of proposed text (300 words)
- A brief author biography
- Any related URLs
- Contact details

In the subject heading of the email message, please use “Name of 
Artist/Project Title: LEA Wild Nature and Digital Life – Date 
Submitted”. Please cut and paste all text into body of email 
(without attachments). Detailed editorial guidelines at: 

Deadline for expressions of interest: 8 July 2005

Timeline (please note the timeline is subject to changes)

8 July 2005 - submission of abstracts
22 July 2005 - short-listed candidates informed
2 September 2005 - contributors to submit full papers for peer 
3 – 30 September 2005 – Peer Review Process
1 – 21 October 2005 – Authors to make changes
November 2005 – Ready to publish papers

Please send proposals or queries to:
Sue Thomas and Dene Grigar
digitalwild at astn.net

Nisar Keshvani
LEA Editor-in-Chief
lea at mitpress.mit.edu

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