[LEAuthors] LEA Special CFP: MultiMedia Performance

nisar keshvani nisar at keshvani.com
Tue Sep 28 02:25:04 EDT 2004

LEA Special Issue cfp: MultiMedia Performance

** Sincere apologies for cross-posting **

** Worldwide Call for Submissions **

LEA Special Issue: MultiMedia Performance
Guest Editors: Annette Barbier, Craig Harris and Marla Schweppe (mmedia at astn.net)

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISSN No: 1071-4391) is inviting papers and artworks that showcase MultiMedia Performance. This category includes works which span a range of practices, which challenge the way performance has heretofore been defined and examines the ways in which new technologies have opened up the meaning and practice of performance.  We expect that performance includes a live component, be it on line, in an interactive installation, or on stage.

LEA encourages international artists / academics / researchers / students to submit their proposals for consideration. We particularly encourage young authors and contributors from outside North America and Europe to send proposals for articles/gallery/artists statements (if applicable).

Expressions of interest and outline should include:
- A brief description of proposed text (300 words)
- A brief author biography 
- Any related URLs 
- Contact details 

In the subject heading of the email message, please use “Name of Artist/Project Title: LEA MultiMedia Performance – Date Submitted”. Please cut and paste all text into body of email (without attachments).

Deadline for expressions of interest: 10 December 2004

Deadline for proposals: 15 February 2005

Please send proposals or queries to:
Annette Barbier, Craig Harris and Marla Schweppe
mmedia at astn.net

Nisar Keshvani
LEA Editor-in-Chief
lea at mitpress.mit.edu


LEA Information and URLs
Receive your FREE subscription to the Leonardo Electronic Almanac e-mail digest at http://mitpress.mit.edu/lea/e-mail -- just provide your email address, name, and password, and check off that you'd like to be added to the Leonardo Electronic Almanac monthly e-mail list to keep on top of the latest news in the Leonardo community.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines: 

How to advertise in LEA?

For a paid subscription (to become an ISAST member and access archives dating back to 1993): http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=4&tid=27&mode=p

What is LEA? 

For over a decade, Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISSN No: 1071-4391) has thrived as an international peer reviewed electronic journal and web archive covering the interaction of the arts, sciences, and technology. LEA emphasizes rapid publication of recent work and critical discussion on topics of current excitement. Many contributors are younger scholars and artists with a slant on shorter, less academic texts. 

Contents include Texts; Artists using new media; Feature Articles comprised of theoretical and technical perspectives; the LEA Gallery exhibiting new media artwork by international artists; Leonardo Reviews, edited by Michael Punt, Leonardo Research Abstracts of recent Ph.D. and Masters theses, curated Galleries of current new media artwork by international artists, and Special Issues on topics ranging from New Media Poetry, to Zero Gravity Art, to the History of New Media.

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) is jointly produced by Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST) and published under the auspices of MIT Press.


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