Permissions for shared libraries in Kerberos

Greg Hudson ghudson at
Wed Nov 18 15:04:27 EST 2020

On 11/18/20 11:31 AM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
> I'm wondering if Kerberos should simply default to installing shared
> libraries as mode 755/555 everywhere, unless there is a reason to do
> otherwise.

I think that would be reasonable.  As Russ noted, system policies differ
on this point, but toolchains (including libtool) seem to tend in the
direction of setting the executable bit, and the system policies are
decided at the packaging level.

The way our build system has this set up is per-platform; it's currently
+x on HPUX (if building on HPUX even still works) and -x everywhere
else.  So we could make the change globally, or just for Linux platforms.

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