Extending certauth plugin to set ticket flags?

Greg Hudson ghudson at mit.edu
Tue Feb 18 13:40:44 EST 2020

On 2/17/20 9:20 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
> 3) Setting of the TKT_FLG_HW_AUTH flag in the TGT if the certificate had
>    had some specific policies.

I thought of two ways to retrofit this capability with a low code footprint:

1. Designate a magic error code for the certauth authorize() method.
The code would mean "yes the cert is authorized for this client, and
also please set the hw-authent ticket flag".

2. Designate a magic authentication indicator value (probably "hwauth").
 In the core KDC code near the end of AS-REQ processing, check if this
indicator is asserted and set the hw-authent bit.

The second approach fits with the notion that the hw-authent bit is a
legacy special case of auth indicators, and it covers any interface
which can assert auth indicators (certauth, kdcpreauth, KDB
sign_authdata()).  However, it does make an inroad into the auth
indicator namespace, which is currently entirely site-defined.  Also,
tickets issued this way would be slightly larger than tickets issued
with just the hw-authent bit set, since they would also contain the
authorization data asserting the auth indicator.

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