TGS-REP TICKET decrypting problem

somenath saha saha.somenath.88 at
Thu May 15 03:26:49 EDT 2014


      I need some information regarding the ticket creation in KDC.

      Assume my pc’s host name is “SOMENATH-PC” & it has 3 user accounts.
They are:

                        *USER NAME                        PASSWORD *

i)             Administrator                        administrator

ii)            Somenath                             somenath

iii)           Guest                                     guest

Now in TGS_REQ message I send “*cifs/
<>” *as server name (Service & Host) in
KDC_REQ_BODY. After receiving TGS_REQ message KDC prepare a ticket which is
encrypted by using server’s secret key i.e. SOMENATH-PC’s secret key.

Now my question is that in order to encrypt the enc-part of the ticket what
credential’s is used by KDC as *“SOMENATH-PC”* has three user accounts
which is mentioned above. Please provide me some information regarding my



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