krb5_cc_default crash
Tim Vega
tvega at
Thu Aug 7 17:05:35 EDT 2014
I'm trying to get S4U2proxy to work with mod_auth_kerb. I compiled the patch here,, into mod_auth_kerb but it crashes on a call to krb5_cc_default.
The offending line is line 283 of stdcc.c:
err = cc_initialize (&gCntrlBlock, ccapi_version_max, &gCCVersion, NULL);
The top of the stack trace is:
> krb5_32.dll!stdccv3_setup(_krb5_context * context, _stdccCacheData * ccapi_data) Line 284 + 0x14 bytes C
krb5_32.dll!krb5_stdccv3_resolve(_krb5_context * context, _krb5_ccache * * id, const char * residual) Line 398 + 0xb bytes C
krb5_32.dll!krb5_cc_resolve(_krb5_context * context, const char * name, _krb5_ccache * * cache) Line 235 C
krb5_32.dll!krb5_cc_default(_krb5_context * context, _krb5_ccache * * ccache) Line 57 C!obtain_server_credentials(request_rec * r, const char * service_name) Line 1525 + 0x11 bytes C!get_gss_creds(request_rec * r, kerb_auth_config * conf, gss_cred_id_struct * * server_creds) Line 1315 C
Disassembly (the break is at the add instruction):
err = cc_initialize (&gCntrlBlock, ccapi_version_max, &gCCVersion, NULL);
6647164A push 0
6647164C push offset _gCCVersion (665A5DE4h)
66471651 push 7
66471653 push offset _gCntrlBlock (665A5DE0h)
66471658 call dword ptr [_pcc_initialize (665A7048h)]
6647165E add esp,10h
66471661 mov dword ptr [err],eax
_pcc_initialize watched values:
_pcc_initialize 0x665a7048 _pcc_initialize void *
*(long *)_pcc_initialize 0 long
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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