Constrained Delegation

Shawn M Emery shawn.emery at
Thu Oct 24 22:38:09 EDT 2013

I've created a project page for this feature here:

Please let us know if you have any questions/comments on the proposal.

On 09/ 8/13 09:32 AM, Simo Sorce wrote:
> On Sun, 2013-09-08 at 00:17 -0600, Shawn M Emery wrote:
>> Hi Simo,
>> Thank you for your thorough response to this problem space.  I was also
>> looking into a nested group type solution, as the use-cases around this
>> evolves.  Do you have any plans in contributing this schema to the
>> trunk, as there has been precedence for constrained delegation?  I would
>> obviously volunteer to help in any work in this area if approved.
> I am certainly willing to do that, the main reason I did not so far is
> that there would not be any kadmin interface to do that.
> However if it is ok to have something just in the MIT LDAP driver, that
> can't be managed via kadmin I can certainly help bringing the relevant
> code upstream.
> Would you be ok using the same objectslasses and attributes we create in
> IPA ? Or would MIT want to have differently named ones in the schema ?
> I guess we could also make the attributes/objectclasses paramtetrized so
> that names can be changed at will by the specific deployment.
> Simo.
>> Regards,
>> Shawn.
>> --
>> On 09/ 7/13 12:07 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2013-09-07 at 00:59 -0600, Shawn M Emery wrote:
>>>> We were wanting to provide additional checks beyond constrained
>>>> delegations where the proxy principal has access controls associated for
>>>> which client principals are allowed to be delegated from.  I know that
>>>> this could be controlled by creating authz data that the subsequent
>>>> target service can check, but this seems rather inefficient in a
>>>> non-cross-realm case in which the KDC can easily make these policy checks.
>>>> My draft proposal includes a new LDAP attribute of the proxy principal:
>>>>        krbAllowedToDelegateFor
>>>> which would define the various client principals in which the proxy
>>>> principal is allowed to delegate for.  Perhaps this could be tied into
>>>> group memberships in order to reduce redundant definitions across proxy
>>>> principals.  The ordering of checks by the KDC would be to check to make
>>>> sure that the target principal is in the krbAllowedToDelegateTo set and
>>>> if so then infer the krbAllowedToDelegateFor for the client principal.
>>>> If not defined then then fall-back to the existing behavior of success
>>>> else if the client is found in the krbAllowedToDelegateFor set then
>>>> succeed else fail.  The pseudo-code would like the following:
>>>>        {DelegateTo} == proxy && {DelegateFor} == client -> succeed
>>>>        {DelegateTo} == proxy && {DelegateFor} == NULL -> succeed
>>>>        {DelegateTo} == proxy && {DelegateFor} != client -> fail
>>>> The code-points would entail the following:
>>>> /* Constrained delegation for */
>>>> #define KRB5_KDB_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION_4 0x00000400
>>>> #define KRB5_KDB_FLAGS_S4U \
>>>> #define KRB5_TL_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION4_ACL 0x0700 /* Each entry is a
>>>> permitted UPN */
>>>> ##### A list of principals to which a service principal can delegate for.
>>>> dn: cn=schema
>>>> changetype: modify
>>>> add: attributetypes
>>>> attributetypes:  (
>>>>                    NAME 'krbAllowedToDelegateFor'
>>>>                    EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
>>>>                    SUBSTR caseExactSubstringsMatch
>>>>                    SYNTAX
>>>> I just wanted to get your thoughts on the idea before I consider this
>>>> further.
>>> Hi Shawn, we've address this problem in FreeIPA using a slightly more
>>> complex scheme in order to be able to handle groupings which makes the
>>> feature actually usable (having to list all principals in multiple rules
>>> quickly becomes unmaintainable).
>>> We added 3 attributes and 2 objectclasses:
>>> attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.
>>> 		 NAME 'memberPrincipal'
>>> 		 DESC 'Principal names member of a groupOfPrincipals group'
>>> 		 EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
>>> 		 SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
>>> 		 SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA-v3')
>>> objectClasses: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.
>>> 		 NAME 'groupOfPrincipals'
>>> 		 SUP top AUXILIARY
>>> 		 MUST ( cn )
>>> 		 MAY ( memberPrincipal )
>>> 		 X-ORIGIN 'IPA v3' )
>>> attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.
>>> 		  NAME 'ipaAllowToImpersonate'
>>> 		  DESC 'Principals that can be impersonated'
>>> 		  SUP distinguishedName X-ORIGIN 'IPA-v3')
>>> attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.
>>> 		  NAME 'ipaAllowedTarget'
>>> 		  DESC 'Target principals alowed to get a ticket for'
>>> 		  SUP distinguishedName X-ORIGIN 'IPA-v3')
>>> objectClasses: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.
>>> 		 NAME 'ipaKrb5DelegationACL'
>>> 		 SUP groupOfPrincipals STRUCTURAL
>>> 		 MAY ( ipaAllowToImpersonate $ ipaAllowedTarget )
>>> 		 X-ORIGIN 'IPA v3' )
>>> The way it works is by creating first a groupOfPrincipals (may contain a
>>> single principal) for clients and targets, and then joining all together
>>> into an 'ACL object'.
>>> Example: we want to allow our HTTP server cluster to impersonate 2 users
>>> (shawn and simo) against the LDAP server cluster:
>>> First we create a group of users:
>>> dn: cn=allowed-users,SUFFIX
>>> objectclass: groupOfPrincipals
>>> cn: cn=allowed-users
>>> memberPrincipal: shawn at KERBEROS.ORG
>>> memberPrincipal: simo at KERBEROS.ORG
>>> Then a group of target servers (we assume there may be multiple copies
>>> all equally accessible):
>>> dn: cn=LDAP-Servers,SUFFIX
>>> objectclass: groupOfPrincipals
>>> cn: LDAP-Servers
>>> memberPrincipal: ldap/ at KERBEROS.ORG
>>> memberPrincipal: ldap/ at KERBEROS.ORG
>>> Finally we create the allow rule which binds clients, targets and the
>>> proxying service:
>>> dn: cn=http-ldap-delegation,SUFFIX
>>> objectclass: groupOfPrincipals
>>> objectclass: ipaKrb5DelegationACL
>>> cn: http-ldap-delegation
>>> ipaAllowToImpersonate: cn=allowed-users,SUFFIX
>>> ipaAllowedTarget: cn=LDAP-Servers,SUFFIX
>>> memberPrincipal: HTTP/ at KERBEROS.ORG
>>> memberPrincipal: HTTP/ at KERBEROS.ORG
>>> memberPrincipal: HTTP/ at KERBEROS.ORG
>>> Note that in our schema lack of ipaAllowToImpersonate means ALL clients
>>> can be impersonated. We haven't implemented it yet but also you could
>>> have regexes in memberPrincipal for additional flexibility.
>>> This schema allows us to resolve the ACL using a single LDAP query (if
>>> your LDAP server supports the dereference control).
>>> We find this schema was the optimal compromise between the flexibility
>>> we needed and the complexity we wanted to allow, and simpler ones would
>>> prevent us from doing what's needed in a useful manner.
>>> The only drawback is that you cannot fit this into kadmin as it is,
>>> because it requires to be able to represent grouping mechanism and ACL
>>> objects, it would be nice if kadimn could be extended so that it is
>>> flexible enough to allow this kind of representation.
>>> HTH,
>>> Simo.

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