Regarding Credential Cache
Mohit Aggrawal
mohit500 at
Mon May 27 14:13:47 EDT 2013
Hello All,
I am using Kerberos 1.11 build using Visual Studio 2010 . In our code we
are calling krb5_cc_default after calling krb5_init_context . The call to
krb5_init_context is successful while the call to krb5_cc_default is
failing i.e. the return value is not zero.
Please let us know if I need to modify or change the value of parameters so
that the call to krb5_cc_default is successful. I am sending the code
snippet and the value of parametres .
Code snippet
if (NULL == m_hContext)
// Initialize Kerberos context
if (krb5_init_context (&m_hContext)) return false;
if (NULL == m_hCache)
// Create default credentials cache
if (krb5_cc_default (m_hContext, &m_hCache))
return false;
The parameter values are given as
krb5_context context value is
- context 0x1ab152d8 {magic=-1760647388 in_tkt_etypes=0x00000000
tgs_etypes=0x00000000 ...} _krb5_context *
magic -1760647388 int
+ in_tkt_etypes 0x00000000 int *
+ tgs_etypes 0x00000000 int *
+ os_context {magic=-1760647387 time_offset=0 usec_offset=0 ...}
+ default_realm 0x00000000 <Bad Ptr> char *
+ profile 0x1ab15848 {magic=-1429577710 first_file=0x1ab15888 vt=0x00000000
...} _profile_t *
dal_handle 0x00000000 _kdb5_dal_handle *
ser_ctx_count 0 int
ser_ctx 0x00000000 void *
clockskew 300 int
kdc_req_sumtype 7 int
default_ap_req_sumtype 0 int
default_safe_sumtype 8 int
kdc_default_options 16 int
library_options 1 int
profile_secure 0 unsigned int
fcc_default_format 1284 int
+ prompt_types 0x00000000 int *
udp_pref_limit -1 int
use_conf_ktypes 0 unsigned int
profile_in_memory 0 unsigned int
+ libkrb5_plugins {files=0x00000000 } plugin_dir_handle
+ vtbl 0x00000000 {minor_version=??? init=??? fini=??? ...}
+ locate_fptrs 0x00000000 void (void)* *
+ preauth_context 0x00000000 {n_modules=??? modules=??? }
+ ccselect_handles 0x00000000 ccselect_module_handle * *
+ err {code=0 msg=0x00000000 <Bad Ptr> scratch_buf=0x1ab15358 "" } errinfo
kdblog_context 0x00000000 _kdb_log_context *
allow_weak_crypto 0 unsigned int
ignore_acceptor_hostname 0 unsigned int
trace_callback 0x00000000 void (_krb5_context *, const _krb5_trace_info *,
void *)*
trace_callback_data 0x00000000 void *
+ plugins 0x1ab1576c {modules=0x00000000 configured=0 } plugin_interface [5]
+ plugin_base_dir 0x1ab1b0b0 "@LIBDIR/krb5/plugins" char *
+ ccache 0x1a703108 _krb5_ccache * *
+ *ccache 0x00000000 {magic=??? ops=??? data=??? } _krb5_ccache *
+ context 0x1ab152d8 {magic=-1760647388 in_tkt_etypes=0x00000000
tgs_etypes=0x00000000 ...} _krb5_context *
while the value of krb5_ccache *ccache is
- *ccache 0x00000000 {magic=??? ops=??? data=??? } _krb5_ccache *
magic CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated
ops CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated
data CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated
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