KDC Audit project

Nico Williams nico at cryptonector.com
Mon Jan 14 21:28:19 EST 2013

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Dmitri Pal <dpal at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 01/14/2013 10:38 AM, Nico Williams wrote:
>> Nested objects are fully supported.  My JSON example was intended to
>> show this.  You thought that the JSON and dict stuff are completely
>> distinct, but they are not: JSON bits is just a serialization.
> If I am wrong do you have a code example to illustrate it?
> Because I looked at the header and have not seen any place where you do
> the type casting.
> So I do not see a function or macro that will return you a
> heim_object_tout of the heim_array_tand also would allow to look at the
> object of heim_object_ttype and detect that it is actually an array.

json-c and Jasson have a single C type that's opaque to represent all objects.

heimbase has heim_object_t, which is an alias of void * but the
objects have distinct C types (all opaque), so heim_string_t,
heim_dict_t, ...  Containers take heim_object_t for their values (and

I actually think that heimbase should switch to the approach of json-c
and Jasson.  I've asked Love about it.  If you want duck typing then
the things need to all be of the same C type and you have to get the
duck typing right -- this should be the principle.

Except what I'd really like is both, and that would require GCC's
union extensions.

> Also I do not see the support of the KVP lists.

There's just dicts and arrays (and DBs), as far as containers go.
That's sufficient for JSON.

> Here is an example of the code that I want to be able to execute.
> If this is is something that can be done with this library great, if not
> but a minor change need, also great, if there is a major chunk of work
> then I would prefer something like json-c and BTW yes this is the right
> link.
>     event_t ev = NULL;
>    /* Construct event from different parts and pieces.
>        This shows several values that can be of basic types and then an
> array */
>     err = create_event(&ev, name1, format1, value1, name2, format2, value2);
>     ...
>     err = add_to_event(ev, name3, format3, value3, name4, format4, value4);
>     ...
>     err = create_array(&array);
>     ...

This is heim_array_create().

>     err = add_element_to_array(array, data_to_add);
>     ...

This is heim_append_value().

>     err = add_to_event(ev, name_array, format_array, array);

This is your app's.

>     /* Call plugin interface */
>     err = log_event(ev);
>    destroy_event(ev);
>    Inside the plugin there will be something like this:
>    ...
>    traverse_event(ev, my_callback, my_data)
>    this will traverse the event and allow the caller to examine
> different parts of the event and transform it into whatever the
> implementer needs: syslog call, message bus call, amqp message, database
> insert statement, JSON, XML, CSV or something else.

There's array and dict (and DB) iterators in libheimbase.  There's no
pre-/in-/post-order tree traversal, but that'd be a good thing to add,

> While I see a lot of basic elements available in the library you provide
> but I do not see the name value hierarchical management I am talking
> about here.

The path functions definitely help.  Does json-c have that?


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