Changing the KDC search base dynamically

Shani Ranasinghe shanira14 at
Wed Dec 4 00:40:06 EST 2013


I am a newbie to Kerberos.

I have  a set up where the realm (YYY.ORG) has many OU's (an OU for a
tenant). The structure is as follows
Currently when starting up the KDC the search base is sent as a hard coded
string, and it send ou=Users,c=yyy,dc=org as the search base. I need to
change the search base to ou=users,,dc=yyy,dc=org, after the KDC
has been started, and without restarting the KDC. Can I do this by maybe a
client side configuration file(krb5.conf?)? I need to change this everytime
I do a Kinit to get the TGT.

Appreciate any help.

Thank you,
Shani Ranasinghe

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