Commits to krb5-appl

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 21 00:10:37 EDT 2012

On 03/20/2012 08:58 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> It looks like I have commit access to the krb5-appl repository.  Should I
> just go ahead and commit these?  If so, should I create tickets for them
> as well, or just commit?

Yes, you can commit them.  I don't think we need tickets for changes
this small.  (They may get backported to the release branch, but
krb5-appl is sleepy enough that we don't need to use the ticketing
system to track backport-eligible commits.)

> My inclination is to just remove this code and see if anyone complains.
> Any objections?  (On kFreeBSD, including sys/tty.h includes
> sys/_termios.h, which defines struct termios and conflicts with the glibc
> definition of the same struct.)

That's fine.  I confirmed that it isn't needed on Solaris 10.

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