Getting the password in a preauth plugin

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 16 11:25:23 EDT 2012

On 04/16/2012 09:13 AM, Yair Yarom wrote:
> In a preauth plugin, in the client process function, I want to get the
> user's password if available. I want the password itself, and if the
> user hasn't entered it yet don't prompt for it (I'll call the prompter
> later for that purpose). 

> Is there a correct way to get it?

Not in the current preauth interface, and as far as I understand the
design, that's deliberate.  The method you're currently using will
probably fail badly if the caller tries to authenticate with a keytab.

Can you explain more about what you're doing?  We could potentially
provide a password callback in a future version of the interface, given
a good reason.

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