[PATCH] Make krb5-config suppress CFLAGS output and omit extra libraries when called with --libs

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 26 12:19:27 EDT 2011

>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Allbery <rra at stanford.edu> writes:

    Russ> symbols available.  The interface is pretty clearly defined
    Russ> ("GSSAPI application with Kerberos 5 bindings"), and clients
    Russ> should be running both krb5-config --libs gssapi and
    Russ> krb5-config --libs krb5 and combining them.  (That's what my
    Russ> applications that need both already do.)  There may be some
    Russ> build system breakage for people who did the wrong thing, but
    Russ> it's a lot cleaner as an interface.

Russ, unless there is more text than what you quoted above defining the
interface, that's quite unclear to me.  More or less all the
applications I'm aware of that have GSSAPI and explicitly want Kerberos
5 bindings plan to do Kerberos specific things.  If the interface was
"Generic portable GSS-API application," I would expect the behavior you

My point is that to me as someone who has worked on this for a while
it's unclear whether "Kerberos 5 bindings" in a GSS application implies
krb5 symbols available or not.

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