Asynchronous operation and krb5 dependencies

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 7 13:58:05 EDT 2011

>>>>> "ghudson" == ghudson  <ghudson at MIT.EDU> writes:

    ghudson> 1. Is a hard dependency on libevent a problem for you?  I'm
    ghudson> not sure how we could avoid this, but I'd at least like to
    ghudson> know the size of the problem.
not a problem.

    ghudson> 2. Is a hard dependency around a small new independent
    ghudson> library a problem for you?  libverto is expected to be
    ghudson> small enough that we could bundle it under util/ as an
    ghudson> optional component, like we do com_err and ss; before
    ghudson> committing to doing that, I'd like to know if it would help
    ghudson> anyone to bundle libverto if we're not bundling libevent as

No, not a problem.

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