Request for error handling advice….?

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 29 19:52:17 EDT 2011

On Mon, 2011-08-29 at 19:16 -0400, Matthew M. DeLoera wrote:
> I have a (hopefully) very simple question. This is really more a GSS
> issue, but I'm not sure if there's a better forum, so my apologies in
> advance!

The implementation you're using (gssglue) is part of the Linux NFS
project, so you might try their lists; see

> Oversimplified but probably enough. I'm testing error handling on
> missing (missing provider underneath GSS, so dynamic
> load fails). I find that gas_import_name() does not fail, and in
> Ubuntu 10.04, the gas_release_name segfaults.

The segfault sounds like a bug in gssglue or an indirect result of a
memory corruption bug in your code.  There's no reason you wouldn't want
to release the name after a failure from gss_acquire_cred.  I looked at
the gssglue sources but didn't see anything obvious.

(Is "gas_" just a typo for "gss_" everywhere you used it, or is there
some meaning to it?)

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