Review of Projects/Kadmin hook interface

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 27 16:00:40 EDT 2010

>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Allbery <rra at> writes:

    Russ> Sam Hartman <hartmans at> writes:
    >>>>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Williams <Nicolas.Williams at>
    >>>>>>> writes:

    Nicolas> Why not just do password change with randomized password,
    Nicolas> so that way you have a password you can synchronize?  This
    Nicolas> is basically what AD does too.

    >> I'd support this change, although it's probably beyond the scope
    >> of what I'm doing to implement.

    Russ> To mention, for those who aren't familiar, Heimdal has both
    Russ> random key and random password options.  The latter is indeed
    Russ> very useful; we use it all the time now.

I think it's reasonable to implement random key in terms of random
password if you believe that krb5_c_string_to_key can generate
approximately all keys for a given enctype.  I believe that's probably
true for AES and RC4.
The DES3 string2key concerns me somewhat  and I know little about the
DES string2key.


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