wrong checksum type for arcfour-hmac-md5

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 15 12:12:53 EDT 2010

> Why isn't this considered a bug in the server??

All we know so far (assuming all of the given information is correct) is
that the server will accept a GSSAPI authenticator with an rsa-md5
checksum--which is not valid--but won't accept one with an hmac-md5

That's not a bug in the server; if anything, the server is being overly
permissive by accepting rsa-md5.  It's a bug in the "home-grown GSSAPI"
client that it's not jusing a GSSAPI authenticator checksum.

If there are other circumstances where the server will accept rsa-md5 in
an authenticator and not hmac-md5, that's worth knowing about.

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