Query regarding ksu.

Russ Allbery rra at stanford.edu
Wed Sep 1 13:25:33 EDT 2010

Use Nas <usenas at gmail.com> writes:

> =======
> Situation :
> =======

> Source User: root
> Target User: non_root_user

> There are no tickets in cache and currently we are logged in as "root" user.
> #ksu non_root_user

> Whats should be the expected behavior of the above command ?

> I believe that if the source user is "root" and target is "non root" &
> there is no ticket in the cache, then the it should prompt for the
> password for "non root" user.  If there is ticket in the cache, then it
> doesn't prompt for the password and creates a valid context and ticket.

That sounds right to me, assuming that you mean a ticket for the target
user (not just any ticket).

> However, there is a believe that the we should be able to ksu to all the
> any non-root user ( when logged in as root ) similar to su command. but

If one wants su, I think one should just use su.  "root" has no special
meaning for Kerberos, and the above behavior seems more useful to me for

Russ Allbery (rra at stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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