a suggestion for improving pkinit preauth plugin token choosing

Henry B. Hotz hotz at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed May 12 17:12:38 EDT 2010

OK, I get it.  *sigh*  The layering makes it hard.  


On May 12, 2010, at 12:21 PM, Will Fiveash wrote:

> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 03:03:44PM -0400, Greg Hudson wrote:
>> On Wed, 2010-05-12 at 13:13 -0400, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>>> If it "fails" then you can return a meaningful error message that
>>> tells the user how to do it over so it works.  You can say "I couldn't
>>> find any smart cards.", or "I found the following credentials and I
>>> don't know which one to use.  Please remove the extras and try
>>> again.", or "Please call extension HELP.", or even "Please call
>>> security to have yourself arrested because you are a dangerous
>>> terrorist."  ;-)
>> Nico and Will pointed out that PAM makes it difficult to display a
>> useful error message on failure.  The preauth framework also makes it
>> difficult.  If PKINIT fails, it's hard for the framework to be smart
>> enough to know that it "should have" succeeded, so it will tend to go on
>> to try other things (which will also fail).
> Right, and while it's true that a PAM app that logs a user into a system
> will typically try the auth stack again, unless the user is given an
> indication that something in the auth stack needs their smart card,
> things will continue to fail.  Given the layering, framework constraints
> and the fact that currently it's the pkinit plugin that consumes the
> token/cert matching criteria in krb5.conf it seems like it is the best
> place to indicate to the user what it's looking for.  And I think this
> is would be true for other preauth plugins.
> -- 
> Will Fiveash
> Oracle
> Note my new work e-mail address: will.fiveash at oracle.com
> http://opensolaris.org/os/project/kerberos/
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The opinions expressed in this message are mine,
not those of Caltech, JPL, NASA, or the US Government.
Henry.B.Hotz at jpl.nasa.gov, or hbhotz at oxy.edu

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