prompter type question

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 23 12:31:09 EDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-03-22 at 18:24 -0400, Nicolas Williams wrote:
> But boy do we need prompt type information in pam_krb5!
> Yes, but the prompter may still need to know what this is about.
> Clearly it's OK to use it.  But using it doesn't solve Will's problem.
> There's a set of prompt types that are specific to PKINIT that would
> greatly help Will now:
>  - insert-token
>  - enter-PIN
>  - enter-PIN-on-the-smartcard's-PIN-pad

Can I have a bit more information about what Sun's pam_krb5
implementation wants to do with the prompt types?  We can probably add
these three once I understand the need for them.

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