Plugin project proposal

Russ Allbery rra at
Thu Jul 15 17:23:49 EDT 2010

Zhanna Tsitkova <tsitkova at> writes:

> The assumption here was that krb5 contexts are usually created at the
> start-up, are long-living and there are very few contexts created.

In an ideal situation, this would probably be the case, but there are a
lot of real-world situations that do password authentication with some
volume.  A typical use pattern for such an application is to generate a
new krb5_context for every authentication attempt (usually because that's
encapsulated in a PAM module or similar plugin).  I suspect you will find
many situations where it's common to have several krb5_contexts created
and freed per second.

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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