[Gábor Gombás] Bug#564566: libkadm5clnt7: SONAME conflict with Heimdal

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 11 15:35:57 EST 2010

>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Yu <tlyu at MIT.EDU> writes:

    Tom> Luke Howard <lukeh at padl.com> writes:
    >> On 11/01/2010, at 5:58 PM, Nicolas Williams wrote:
    >>> Provided the libraries have different install locations,
    >>> programs properly use rpath, and that the Heimdal and MIT
    >>> libraries need never be loaded in the same process at once, then
    >>> SONAME conflicts are not a problem.
    >>> However, with plug-in interfaces galore it's very likely that
    >>> both will be loaded in the same process at some point.
    >> Right, but RTLD_LOCAL should be used (HDBBridge uses this to have
    >> Heimdal and MIT libraries in the KDC).

Note that Debian uses the same install location, does not use rpath, and
may run into situations where Heimdal and MIT libraries are loaded in
the same process.  It's not all that likely that libkadm5clnt will be
one of the libraries that gets loaded in the same process, although I
suspect is common that Heimdal and MIt libkrb5 are loaded in the same
process on Debian systems.

    Tom> How well do various platforms cope with maintaining isolation
    Tom> between shared libraries having the same SONAME but different
    Tom> contents?  

I'm not sure about this situation; I suspect that RTLD_LOCAL would get
reasonable behavior.  However exactly because I'm using the same
installation location and no rpath (both by policy), that approach
doesn't matter to me.

The GNU C library's elf interpreter seems to care a lot more about
symbol version in terms of resolving conflicts than it does soname.

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