New issue and fix for kadmin(.local)

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 11 17:23:29 EST 2010

On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 16:42 -0500, Peter Shoults wrote:
> I have a customer who opened up an issue where they want to be able to
> set the policy options -minlife and -maxlife back to the default values
> of "0".  Currently, if you create and set either of these policy
> options, there is no way to set it back to zero.

In the current code base, "modpol -minlife now policy" seems to work, as
do slightly more intuitive lifetimes such as "0 days" and "0 seconds".

> Attached is my pdiff of my proposed change.

The MIT sources don't appear to have the "Date specified is in the past"

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