AD-SIGNEDPATH and cross-realm

Love Hörnquist Åstrand lha at
Thu Feb 4 13:45:48 EST 2010

4 feb 2010 kl. 10:40 skrev Sam Hartman:

>>>>>> "ghudson" == ghudson  <ghudson at MIT.EDU> writes:
>    ghudson> * If AD-SIGNEDPATH is present in the ticket and checksum
>    ghudson> verification fails, we reject the TGS request even if we
>    ghudson> would have accepted the ticket without AD-SIGNEDPATH at all
>    ghudson> (i.e. it's not an S4U2Proxy request).  I'm pretty sure we
>    ghudson> want to be more like Heimdal, and merely disallow the
>    ghudson> ticket as an S4U2Proxy subject ticket if verification
>    ghudson> fails.  I am likely to make this change.
> I think this is a really good change

This is a good change, it make stuff break less in case of failure.

Also, cross realm can also work by instead of using a master key, you can use the cross realm key, the problem is if the recving kdc really want to extend the trust that the signedpath provides to the source realm.


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