Password quality pluggable interface scope

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 27 14:14:12 EDT 2010

>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Allbery <rra at> writes:

    Russ> Greg Hudson <ghudson at MIT.EDU> writes:
    >> Plugin modules can read profile associations; consider PKINIT
    >> configuration variables, for example, or LDAP back-end configuration.

    Russ> What interface does this use now?  This was one of the biggest problems
    Russ> that I ran into when I wrote the plugins originally, since there wasn't
    Russ> any interface available other than krb5_appdefault* (which is a horrible
    Russ> interface).

I think you can call krb5_get_profile on a context.  Now that the KDC
and other profiles  are folded together, I think that gives you enough
rope (TM).

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