Sanity check: re-exporting krb5_auth_con_set_req_cksumtype

Luke Howard lukeh at
Mon Nov 16 05:04:26 EST 2009

Also, can we have some auth_con subkey accessors that return krb5_keys  
instead of krb5_keyblocks?

-- Luke

On 16/11/2009, at 10:43 AM, ghudson at MIT.EDU wrote:

> I'd like to re-export krb5_auth_con_set_req_cksumtype, and perhaps
> krb5_auth_con_set_safe_cksumtype for parity.
> These functions were prototyped in krb5 1.2, moved to #if KRB5_PRIVATE
> in krb5 1.3, and moved out of krb5.h into k5-int.h in krb5 1.7.
> set_req_cksumtype is used by kcmd.c to ensure compatibility with
> pre-1.7 versions of the rlogin suite which did not correctly handle
> keyed checksum types.  I can't find any uses of set_safe_cksumtype.
> It's reasonable to use a private function in appl as long as appl is
> bundled with the krb5 tree, but now that we're unbundling the
> applications for 1.8 we need a cleaner layering.
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