AcceptSecurityContext (SSPI) fails with SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED anda GSS-API Linux client

Matthew M. DeLoera mdeloera at
Tue Jun 30 14:29:43 EDT 2009

Just a quick note of thanks to everyone who responded (especially Paul 
and Sam!!). I've been on a customer issue, so only just got the chance 
to read their responses and apply that information to my problem.

I now seem to be up and running beautifully. I'm running 2 WinXP virtual 
machines, one freshly configured for my AD server, and the other freshly 
configured for my Linux MIT krb5-kdc. Each one authenticates nicely in 
conjunction with my test client.

I appreciate the help to get me out of my hole. Thanks again!

- Matthew DeLoera

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