Multiple Realm Question...

David E. Cross david at
Thu May 15 18:27:59 EDT 2008

Separate ports, etc.. is a really kludgy solution, and according to the 
documentation (for kadmind even) in multiple places it shouldn't be 
needed.  For example:

keytab    Kadmind  requires a keytab containing correct entries for the
    kadmin/admin and kadmin/changepw principals for  every  realm
    that  kadmind  will  answer  requests for.

-r realm   ...  kadmind will  answer requests for any realm that exists 
in the local KDC
    database and for which the appropriate  principals  are  in  its

David E. Cross

Tim Mooney wrote:
> In regard to: Re: Multiple Realm Question..., David E. Cross said (at...:
>> So, I started by playing it safe and having 2 separate directories.
>> This mostly worked.  The issue was that kadmind doesn't seem to like to
>> have 2 principal databases with 2 private keys (stash files), and 2
>> keytabs.  I would get inconsistent errors trying to "kadmin -r REALM1"
>> or "kadmin -r REALM2".
> We've served multiple realms from one host for several years.  What's
> worked for us is
> - one kdc process serving multiple separate databases, in multiple
>   separate directories.
> - a kadmind process for each realm.  kadmind obviously needs to listen
>   on different ports for different realms, if you only have one IP 
> address
>   associated with the box.
> - on any secondary servers, one kpropd for each realm, also each on a
>   separate port.
> I've posted information on how to set this up previously, and someone 
> else
> has done a more thorough "How To" guide on the same process.  Do some
> searching (don't forget to search Usenet groups, as it was probably 
> posted
> to the "general use" mailing list, which is gatewayed to a newsgroup)
> and you should turn up the necessary info on how to do this.
> Tim

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