InitializeSecurityContext fails with SEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN
Sam Hartman
hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 16 09:31:43 EST 2008
>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Mohan <manojm at> writes:
Manoj> Hi,
Manoj> I am trying to write a client/server app using SSPI with
Manoj> KDC on windows. Here are the steps which I am following:
Hi. The krbdev at list is a list for the discussion of
developing MIT Kerberos. IT is for those interested in writing code
or designing extensions to MIT Kerberos. As far as I can tell you are
not even using our product and are definitely not trying to develop
improvements to our product.
I suggest that the comp.protocols.kerberos news group (or
kerbers at would be a more appropriate forum for general
Kerberos questions. You may also find SSPI-specific forums as well.
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