Replay cache protection
Ken Raeburn
raeburn at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 11 19:13:51 EST 2008
On Feb 11, 2008, at 2:14, josephharfouch at wrote:
> Hi,
> Just an update on my earlier email.
First off, please don't send HTML-only email here. Our mail server
converts it to plain text before redistribution, but when it has long
lines (as your first message did but your second did not), it gets
pretty badly mangled before going out to the mailing list. I don't
know if or when we'll be able to fix this. So for now, please send
plain text, or short (~70 character) lines.
> I've actually found something in RFC4120 about this :
> "
> All services sharing a key need to use the same replay cache.
> If separate replay caches are used, then an authenticator used with
> one such service could later be replayed to a different service
> with
> the same service principal.
> "
> but the question I still have is : Should the APIs such as
> krb5_rd_req
> be providing this service to the application, or should this be
> added
> to the documentation of these APIs that customers should set up
> their
> replay caches this way? i.e should it be a kerberos implementation
> code change, or a documentation change?
It's not very practical for krb5_rd_req to provide a unified replay
cache across machines, but krb5_get_server_rcache should be doing a
reasonable first approximation of selecting a single cache for all
servers using the same service name and running under the same uid,
though it does require that you specify a service name. Arguably, it
should be unified across all uids (but that gets in the way in some
test cases), and it should be dependent on the key, not the service
name (but that needs to not leak information about the key to people
who can list the rcache files)... and should probably support the
model (which we don't really implement) wherein multiple services on
a host can use the same key. Like I said, a first approximation...
Addressing your scenarios from your earlier email (which came through
garbled, but the un-garbled versions were contained in email
notifying me that your message was in the moderation queue), yes, if
two application servers, on the same or different hosts, both have
access to the same service principals' keys but different replay
caches, and the code is written to accept whatever service principal
is supplied, yes, replay detection can be defeated.
But in the one-host case (two services intended to be used with
different principals, but keys all stored in the same keytab file)
that'd mean specifying the service name in determining the replay
cache *and* not checking it during authentication, nor after. Or, as
is also possible, writing one of them to not use a replay cache at
all. The short answer is, "don't do that." Of course, it would help
if we had better library documentation, and perhaps some guides on
how to use the Kerberos library within an application, with attention
to security details like this for the uninitiated; we are, in fact,
trying to address our documentation problems.
In the multiple-host case (part of your scenario 3: two server
systems with the same principals and keys in their keytab files, and
application server code not specifying a principal), there's been
some discussion about how to redesign the replay cache to perform
efficiently over NFS, or otherwise coordinate its data between
systems, but no firm design nor implementation plan has come out of
it yet.
Your scenario 2 (keytabs on two machines containing keys for a
service on machine one and a service on machine two) has similar
problems to scenario 1, and falls even more strongly under the "don't
do that" category, as compromising machine one means being able to
attack a different service on machine two as a result.
Note that more desirable than fixing these issues is fixing
application protocols, when possible, so that replay protection is
not needed. For example, if the protocol exchange includes an AP-REP
message, a subsession key generated by the server can be included
there. If it's required to be used to encrypt or checksum all
following traffic, then an attacker who can only replay previous
traffic sniffed off the wire can re-send the authenticator, but can't
generate properly protected data using the new key generated by the
server during the attack, which would be different from the key used
for the previously recorded session. But such an authenticator might
be useable in a replay attack on another service using the same
principal and not using such built-in protection in its protocol, so
having such a protocol isn't itself sufficient to do away with the
replay cache; you need to not have any vulnerable services using the
same service principal. In such cases, it is perfectly reasonable to
not use a replay cache.
Another approach is to have protocol operations that are idempotent,
or reveal too little cryptographic information to make replay attacks
significant, and then just not worry about them. For example, we
don't generally consider replays in the TGS exchange to be much of a
> Thanks
> Joseph
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: 'josephharfouch at'
> To: krbdev at
> Sent: Sat Feb 9 2:27
> Subject: Fwd: Replay cache protection
> Hi,
> I have been lately looking at the code concerned with preventing
> replay att some undocumented s because of the way some a
> particular setup. This is be shared, but replay caches, accor
> MIT Kerberos code, may not be system wide, shared between
> servers. I'm not really very familia Kerberos code, so I wanted
> to get a second opinion whether t concerns are correct, or if I
> simply misunderstood the code. If some
> o deal wit Scenario 1
[... rest of mangled original message deleted.]
Kind of hard to read, sorry.... :(
Ken Raeburn, Senior Programmer
MIT Kerberos Consortium
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