Review of Projects/GSSAPI DCE concluding December 14, 2008

Nicolas Williams Nicolas.Williams at
Mon Dec 1 16:23:25 EST 2008

On Mon, Dec 01, 2008 at 04:12:53PM -0500, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
> I have to ask why you're proposing adding proprietary extensions to the 
> GSS-API involving structures and functions with gss_* names.  It seems like 
> this is a suitable subject for standardization, and while you may not be 
> interested in going down that route, using gss_* names without doing so 
> seems like an exceptionally poor choice.

Well, we really should just wrap up the IANA registry of GSS-API
namespaces and then Luke and Sam could register these extensions.

Ah, yes, I own that doc.

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