Project Write Up for set password (RFC 4234)

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at
Mon Dec 1 16:18:34 EST 2008

--On Monday, December 01, 2008 09:46:46 AM -0500 Sam Hartman 
<hartmans at> wrote:

> Hi.  One of the things I'll be working on is a write up of a project
> to add set/change password support to MIT Kerberos.
> How much detail do people need to see in that writeup?  I actually
> think a paragraph explaining why we want to do it and the
> implementation approach is sufficient.  The only reason I think a
> project writeup is needed is that we're going to be changing public
> functionality.

Uh, RFC4234 is ABNF.  Perhaps you meant RFC3244?

I think if the answer to "why" is anything other than "to be compatible 
with existing Windows", then it should at least touch on why you're not 
implementing draft-ietf-krb-wg-kerberos-set-passwd-08.txt instead.

You say you're changing public functionality; are you planning on phasing 
out the current kpasswd service?

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