Kerberos ccapi: Problem with set_principal on Mac OS 10.5 (Bug ID 5495264)

John Bowers John.Bowers at
Wed Sep 26 17:16:24 EDT 2007

I am having problems with the CCAPI implementation on the MacOS 10.5 seed builds.  I have submitted a bug report to apple regarding this issue and they have suggested I mail this list. 
The problem I have is simply demonstrated.  Once I open the default ccache, I cannot call set_principal on the ccache without getting error 227 (internal error?). 
I have created a small .c file that, when compiled and run, demonstrates the issue.

The problem does not occur on MacOS 10.4, it does occur with at least the 2 most recent 10.5 builds.  

Find the example code attached. 

Build This with a command like this:

gcc -g3 ./test_api_ccache.c -o ccache_test -I /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Headers -framework Kerberos

-----Original Message----- 
From: Apple Developer Bug Reporting [mailto:devbugs at]  
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 2:55 PM 
To: John Bowers 
Subject: Bug ID 5495264: Your Attention Needed 
Hi John, 
This is a courtesy email regarding Bug ID# 5495264. 
The Kerberos developers at MIT suggested that they could help   
diagnose this problem if they can communicate with you via the krbdev   
mailing list.  To talk to them, please send an email about the   
problem you're seeing to krbdev at, referencing Bug ID#5495264.    
The info page for the mailing list is at  
mailman/listinfo/krbdev . 
Bug reports requiring your update will appear under 'My Originated   
Problems'.  Please review this bug report and provide the requested   
information via the Apple Bug Reporter. Once your report has been   
updated, Engineering will be alerted of the new information. 
Thank you for your assistance in helping us discover and isolate bugs   
within our products. 
Best Regards, 
Allison Vanderby 
Apple Developer Connection 
Worldwide Developer Relations 

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