Kerberos authentication and Time Skew: does not always work

JC Ferguson jc at
Tue Sep 4 09:56:11 EDT 2007

> > Ok - but why does a clock skewed client work fine when the 
> service host is windows?  Also, i have noticed a similar, 
> succcessful  behavior for Netapp NAS devices.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > /jc
> It shouldn't matter what the service host is as long as the 
> service host clock is synchronized with the KDC.  If the 
> service host clock is not synchronized with the KDC, Kerberos 
> will not work.

I agree.  But, for me, it is not working.  The service host I am
developing uses the MIT KRB5 1.3.6 library and it is not able to
authenticate a skewed client with any sort of reliability (50% success
rate), even when its clock is in sycn with the KDC.  Given MS Windows,
in the capacity of a service host, can authenticate a skewed client with
100% success, I am wondering what I am doing wrong in my application of
the MIT krb library.  Or, if there is yet-to-be-implemented code in the
library to deal with time skewed clients.  


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