SPNEGO problem with Firefox on Mac OS 10.4.9

Siarhei Baidun siarheibaidun at gmail.com
Mon May 14 14:11:27 EDT 2007

Hi Moritz,

the server uses my own implementation of SPNEGO.
Of course I can change it but I cannot see the reason why it should accept
raw kerberos token.

It does comply with SPNEGO specificatioon.

Siarhei Baidun

On 5/11/07, Sam Hartman <hartmans at mit.edu> wrote:
> >>>>> "Siarhei" == Siarhei Baidun <siarheibaidun at gmail.com> writes:
>     Siarhei> Moritz, thank you for quick reply.  But I'm curious why
>     Siarhei> Safari works?
> I'm more curious what server you are running into that cannot accept a
> raw krb5 token instead of a spnego token.  You should try and get
> whatever software that is fixed.

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