Release planning meeting--who is involved?

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 1 18:58:12 EST 2007

So, fairly soon (ideally next week) we hae a meeting where we go
through the projects that have been identified, try to prioritize them
and to assign them to people to evaluate.

We'll also discuss how long the evaluation phase lasts and some other

Who, outside of MIT would be interested in calling into such a
meeting?  The assumption is that only people who are likely to commit
time and energy to Kerberos over the next year should attend.  While I
think only those of us here at MIT expect to walk away with month+
long design assignments from these meetings others who show up should
expect to take some of the smaller action items that appear.

Another reason that you might want to show up is that you have partial
or complete implementations of one of the projects you'd like to talk

If you would be interested in calling into a meeting during east coast
business hours for the 1.7 planning process with the intent to
contribute to that process and to 1.7 please drop me a note.  I don't
know that we're going to make anyone entirely happy with the meeting
time: I suspect we'll have people interested from the US east coast,
potentially US west coast and potentially India.


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