error principal in kerberos propagation

chechu chechu chechuironman at
Fri Oct 20 17:41:46 EDT 2006


I follow the instructions from this howto to build the replication
server for kerberos...
	Everything went right untill :

/usr/Kerberos/sbin/kprop -f /var/Kerberos/krb5kdc/slave_datatrans > /dev/null

where i got this error:

kprop: Server rejected authentication (during sendauth exchange) while
authenticating to server
Generic remote error: Wrong principal in request

I looked the logs and kerberos gives the right tickets when it executes,
in the slave server in syslog appears this 
Oct 20 23:32:21 shinobi kpropd[1390]: Connection from
Oct 20 23:32:21 shinobi kpropd[1390]: Error in krb5_recvauth: Wrong
principal in request

I have all the principals, that the howto says, creates and i add the
key to the keytab and send it to the slave...
someone can help me


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