seeking patch for NIM bug

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Fri Oct 6 16:27:51 EDT 2006

Jason Cowart wrote:
> We've recently rolled out Kerberos for Windows 3.0 and are running  
> into the bug with Network Identity Manager that causes it to regard  
> any usernames containing numbers as invalid.
> I see this is fixed with the KfW 3.1 beta and we're hoping to find a  
> solution that would let us apply this particular fix to KfW 3.0.  If  
> anyone can offer some insight or advice on this possibility we'd very  
> much appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Jason Cowart
> IT Services
> Stanford University

I am sorry to hear that you have rolled out KFW 3.0 to your campus.
There are a very large number of serious bugs in NetIDMgr 1.0 which
are being addressed in KFW 3.1.  The invalid principal name but has
been widely discussed on the kerberos at mailing list.  Along
with the problems loading plugins on non-US Windows systems and the
memory leaks.  A significant effort has been put into fixing these
and other issues in NetIDMgr so that KFW 3.1 can be released as
*the fix*.   While it would be possible to provide a source patch
that addresses this one issue, I'm sure that are going to want to
address the other issues as well.

I am going to contact you privately about being added to my testers list.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

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