Issues w/ timezones on gssftpd

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at
Thu Nov 30 22:40:19 EST 2006

On Thursday, November 30, 2006 06:37:04 PM -0700 Philip Prindeville 
<philipp at> wrote:

> Ok, if tzset() ran successfully previously, then got called a second time
> and failed to find its files...  should it clobber previously good
> results? Or retain them?

That question is out of scope for this forum -- we don't get to decide what 
that API is.  The documentation describes the way in which tzset changes 
the timezone settings; it does not say anything about it ever leaving them 

I think Ken's conclusion is correct - if you want logging in a chroot jail 
to produce correct timestamps, then you must set up the jail with the 
necessary files to enable that to work.  This is a general issue, not a 
problem with Kerberos or gssftpd, and not one that can be easily worked 

-- Jeff

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