KFW 3.1 Authentication dialog

Eli Breder eli.breder at hummingbird.com
Wed Nov 29 14:26:12 EST 2006

Does Net ID Manager have the equivalent of Leash's Leash_kinit_dlg_ex() to
display the authentication dialog programmatically? If so, is there some
sample code we could look at (proper initialization, etc.)?

Thanks very much,

Eli Breder
Software Developer
Hummingbird Connectivity, a division of Open Text Corporation
1010 Sherbrooke West, Suite 811
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2R7
Tel:  (514) 281-5551 ext. 231
Fax:  (514) 281-9958 <mailto:281-9958eli at montreal.hcl.com> 

eli.breder at hummingbird.com


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