Query regarding max_life.

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 23 13:54:09 EDT 2006

>>>>> "P" == P Santoshkumar <psantoshkumar at novell.com> writes:

    P> Hello, I figured out that max_life cannot be set to 0 as the
    P> ticket will not have any life time. The problem that I' am
    P> facing is that I' am not able to read the max_life value which
    P> will be set at the realm because if the value is not set during
    P> the creation of the principal or if the value is not set in the
    P> configuration file then the value is set to 1 day which means
    P> that when I have to add the value from the realm I can only
    P> check with respect to the non-zero value of the max_life and
    P> then add from the realm if any value exists in it. So to solve
    P> this problem is it fine to set the default value in LDAP as
    P> that will be the final operation?  Another possible way is to
    P> not add any default value during the creation of the principal
    P> and leave it as 0 and when we do a get_principal we can send
    P> the default value instead of 0.

I wonder how hard it would be to add some way to find out if the max
life was defaulted or was actually set at a different layer.


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