LDAP schema questions

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 13 09:49:07 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Praveen" == Praveen Kumar Sahukar <psahukar at novell.com> writes:

    Praveen> On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 22:13 +1000, Luke Howard wrote:
    >> >Unless you require that there exist no more than a single
    >> principal >per user object then you will have to lock and
    >> update multiple objects >as part of the transaction.
    >> I would recommend that there be 1:1 mapping between a principal
    >> entry in the directory and a principal in Kerberos.

    Praveen> What about the directory user associated with more than
    Praveen> one Kerberos Realm which results into more than one
    Praveen> kerberos identity per directory user ?

I don't understand why this is special or hard.
Please explain.


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