princ to DN mapping rules (was Re: concerns with ldap plugin and 1.5
S Rahul
srahul at
Tue Jun 13 02:40:39 EDT 2006
You have captured most of the idea. But there are other ways a Kerberos
principal can be mapped to a directory object.
1. Based on an attribute like 'cn' which may not be the naming attribute
of the user object's DN.
2. Part of an attribute value matching part of a principal name. For
example, if the directory has an 'email' attribute defined, I will have
to map a principal 'srahul at REALM' to a user object containing the email
ID 'srahul at'. Here, the rule will be "match the first part
of the principal name with anything before '' in the email
3. Rules like <user>@REALM matches the directory object with
'cn=<user>*'. This type of rule will require a substring based search
filter to be constructed and used in an 'ldapsearch'.
In addition to this, collisions must be resolved by the admin. For
example consider the case where 'cn=user1,o=abc' and
'cn=user1,ou=def,o=abc' both exist and the principal name is
'user1 at REALM'. If the plugin implements this, we have to provide a
mechanism by which the plugin gets admin input.
I think it is not good to put all this functionality inside the LDAP
plugin. It is not a straightforward database write. Multiple LDAP
searches (possibly substring matches) are performed and each search is
followed by a series of comparisons. The LDAP plugin's
'db_put_principal' implementation should just add the principal using an
LDAP modify operation and not be concerned with all this logic.
-Rahul S.
Will Fiveash wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 06:03:45PM -0700, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>> On Jun 9, 2006, at 5:25 PM, Nicolas Williams wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 04:53:10PM -0700, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>>>> You ought to be able to infer the dn from the principal name, based
>>>> on the (probably default) realm's configuration information. In
>>>> other words "add hotz" should do the right thing.
>>> You can't always, not at principal creation time.
>>> The problem is that the kadmin create_principal command, and the
>>> protocol itself lack a way to convey principal type information.
>> The two main "types" (my definition, possibly not yours) are "users"
>> which are a single component name+realm, and "services" which are a
>> two-component name where the second is a FQDN. Seems easy enough to
>> infer which is which. Maybe you've got some other things like */
>> admin and */batch that get mapped differently, but that should be
>> generic config info, not something you have to put on a kadmin add
>> command IMO.
>>> Without principal name type information there are situations where the
>>> intended principal name type, and therefore, possibly, LDAP class
>>> and DN
>>> of the intended LDAP object, cannot be unambiguously determined.
>> I think the special cases like kdamin/changepw and krbtgt/* could
>> require extra options for correct handling. They need special
>> handling anyway. Be better if they don't though.
>> Is that what you mean?
>>> foo at BAR.COM might be intended to be a user principal, if a user exists
>>> with the name 'foo' in that organization. Then again, this might be
>>> something else.
>> Yeah, but do we have to make everything hard just to be able to
>> handle the oddball stuff?
> It would be nice if we could provide princ to DN mapping rules to the
> LDAP plugin where the rules could map specific principals to specific
> DNs and also provide more general rules. Ordered rules like:
> ####################################################################
> # specific krb princ DN
> kadmin/admin at ACME\.COM "krbprincipalname=kadmin/admin at ACME.COM,cn=ACME.COM,cn=krbcontainer,dc=sun,dc=com"
> # Note that the % in the DN will be replaced by the matched regex
> # enclosed by %% on the left side.
> # 2 component krb admin principal matching DN
> %[^/]+%/admin at ACME\.COM "uid=%,ou=people,dc=sun,dc=com"
> # any single component princ not matched above.
> %[^/]+%@ACME\.COM "uid=%,ou=people,dc=sun,dc=com"
> ####################################################################
> The above is just an example so don't take the syntax too seriously.
> Note, I'm not sure whether an heuristic of creating a krbprincipal
> object if the DN is not found is flexible enough (I am thinking that if
> the object did exist then the princ. auxiliary attribute would be
> updated). If this heuristic isn't adequate then perhaps the object
> class can also be given as a rule parameter.
> The rules could either be located in a local flat file or in a directory
> object and a krb5.conf dbmodules parameter could tell the ldap plugin
> where to find the rules.
> Something along these lines would (I hope) allow "kdb5_util load" to
> migrate entries in a KDB dump to any DIT and also allow kadmin to work
> in a more plugin transparent fashion.
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