more ldap concerns

Nicolas Williams Nicolas.Williams at Sun.COM
Wed Jun 7 19:57:42 EDT 2006

On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 07:46:57PM -0400, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
> > Why are the old keys still around?
> Because the TGS is an unusual service, in that instead of finding its 
> service keys in a keytab, it reads them directly from the KDB.  So, if 
> changing the TGS's key in the KDB caused the old keys to go away, it 
> wouldn't be able to find them any more, and you'd have just invalidated 
> every outstanding TGT.
> Of course, if invalidating previously-issued TGT's is your goal, then you 
> should remove the old keys explicitly.

Agreed.  But UI-wise this is no good.

There should be a note about the old keys being retained even though
-keepold wasn't used and an option should be provided to destroy the old
keys anyways...

...OR there should be a prompt if -keepold wasn't used when randkeying a
krbtgt principal.

Or something like that.


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